3 Things

A link-blog, of sorts



In the vastness of empty space surrounding Earth, the Moon is our closest celestial neighbor. Its face, periodically filled with light and devoured by darkness, has an ever-changing, but dependable presence in our skies.

An incredibly-detailed and interactive microsite on our moon and its relationship with the earth.

Fun fact: the earth’s rotation is slowing down. On an infinite time scale that will be a problem for us, but for now, enjoy that each day is slightly longer—2 milliseconds per century—than it used to be.


Native American Boarding Schools Took Children’s Culture, and Hundreds Died

The United States is only beginning to try to reconcile the abhorrent ways white settlers treated the children of indigenous people.


Wealth shown to scale

If you counted to a million without taking breaks, it would take you more than 11 days. But to count to a billion would take you just under 32 years. And with breaks to sleep and eat? Almost a lifetime.